STOJANOV, R.; BUREŠ, O.; SEIDLOVÁ, A.; KLVAŇOVÁ, R.; ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, R.; PROCHÁZKA, D. (2022): Koherence českých migračních a rozvojových politik. Provozně ekonomická fakulta, Mendelova univerzita v Brně. Dostupné z: https://smartmigration.cz
Supporting the Agency of Cities as Climate Migration Destinations. International Migration, http://doi.org/10.1111/imig.13024 (IF2020 = 1.946)
As climate migration has garnered the interest of research and policy communities over the last two decades, the focus has been on whether, how and where climate stresses might precipitate out-migration, and how to assist and protect those affected. Less attention has gone to the places that receive climate migrants, and how their arrival might affect adaptation at destination. Against the backdrop of increasingly severe climate disruptions, this paper examines the likelihood of climate-related movements going into urban areas, and the challenges that this may entail for those who move and for urban governance. With much of climate migration projected to feed into existing urbanization trends, we see the need for data and research to help bolster the agency of communities and cities to plan and act locally, and across geographies, for inclusion and resilience, and to advocate collectively for enabling policy frameworks and increased national and international support.
This paper offers an analysis of the Czech migration policy since the so-called European Union (EU) migration crisis in 2015 and its key instruments when it comes to migrant workers from third (non-EU) countries. On the basis of semi-structured interviews with 80 experts on various aspects of migration policymaking, we identified three key features of Czech migration policymaking: (i) perception of migration as a threat, (ii) orientation on temporary labour migration and (iii) lack of coherent and systematic conceptual approach towards migration. Jointly, these features explain a central paradox of the contemporary Czech migration policy: the contradiction between a strong anti-immigration political discourse and the actual numbers of immigrants that has been rising steadily. Similarly to other European countries, there has been a growing tendency towards selectiveness in Czech migration policy, manifested in recent instruments specifically focused on attracting highly qualified migrants. However, the selection criteria are mainly based on the country of origin, and the quotas for incoming migrants reflect the existing administrative capacities and short-term needs of the current Czech labour market for low- and middle-qualified professionals rather than long-term economic goals and demographic needs. Since the global economic recession (2008–2010), Czech migration policies have still not genuinely considered the fact that it is people, rather than just ‘labour’, who come to the Czech Republic.
STOJANOV, R., ROSENGAETNER, S., de SHERBININ, A. et al. Climate Mobility and Development Cooperation. Popul Environ (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11111-021-00387-5
Development cooperation actors have been addressing climate change as a cross-cutting issue and investing in climate adaptation projects since the early 2000s. More recently, as concern has risen about the potential impacts of climate variability and change on human mobility, development cooperation actors have begun to design projects that intentionally address the drivers of migration, including climate impacts on livelihoods. However, to date, we know little about the development cooperation’s role and function in responding to climate related mobility and migration. As such, the main aim of this paper is to outline the policy frameworks and approaches shaping development cooperation actors’ engagement and to identify areas for further exploration and investment. First, we frame the concept of climate mobility and migration and discuss some applicable policy frameworks that govern the issue from various perspectives; secondly, we review the toolbox of approaches that development cooperation actors bring to climate mobility; and third, we discuss the implications of the current Covid-19 pandemic and identify avenues for the way forward. We conclude that ensuring safe and orderly mobility and the decent reception and long-term inclusion of migrants and displaced persons under conditions of more severe climate hazards, and in the context of rising nationalism and xenophobia, poses significant challenges. Integrated approaches across multiple policy sectors and levels of governance are needed. In addition to resources, development cooperation actors can bring data to help empower the most affected communities and regions and leverage their convening power to foster more coordinated approaches within and across countries.
STOJANOV, R.; KLVAŇOVÁ, R.; SEIDLOVÁ, A.; BUREŠ, O. (2021): Rizika a výzvy české migrační politiky v kontextu „migrační krize“. Provozně ekonomická fakulta, Mendelova univerzita v Brně. Dostupné z: https://smartmigration.cz
Tato studie nabízí analýzu silných stránek a výzev české migrační politiky od tzv. migrační krize EU v roce 2015 a přehled jejích klíčových nástrojů, pokud jde o migrující pracovníky ze třetích zemí (mimo EU). Na základě polostrukturovaných rozhovorů s 80 odborníky na různé aspekty tvorby české migrační politiky jsme identifikovali tři klíčové výzvy pro tvorbu migrační politiky: (i) vnímání migrace jako hrozby, (ii) orientace na dočasnou pracovní migraci, a (iii) nedostatek systematického a koncepčního přístupu k migraci. Z naší analýzy vyplynulo, že migrace je vnímána jako nevítaná nutnost. Zatímco migrující pracovníci jsou na českém trhu práce velmi žádaní, jejich přítomnost je spíše tolerována než vítána a je založena na předpokladu, že migranti odejdou poté, co poptávka po jejich pracovní síle skončí. Migrační politika ČR není nastavena tak, aby podporovala usazení a integraci pracovních migrantů a migrantek do české společnosti.
STOJANOV, R. Případová studie: klimatická migrace [online]. Dostupné z: https://tvaremigrace.cz/novinky/pripadova-studie-klimaticka-migrace/

BURES, O.; KLVANOVA, R.; STOJANOV, R. (2020): Strengths and Weaknesses of Canadian Express Entry System: Experts’ Perceptions. Population and Development Review. Wiley. DOI: 10.1111/padr.12354
This article offers an analysis of the first four years of functioning of Express Entry, a new on‐line application management system to select skilled entrants for Canada’s key economic immigration programs leading to permanent residence. Based on interviews with 20 experts on Canadian immigration policies, we identified a number of strengths and weaknesses of the Canadian Express Entry system related to four areas: immigration policy making, processing of applications, selection of immigrants, and retention of immigrants. Since these areas are integral parts of immigration policies in all countries and Canada is a long‐term leader in the design of points‐based systems for selection of skilled immigrants, we also specify several lessons from the Canadian experience with the Express Entry system for other countries seeking to attract skilled immigrants.
Klima a jeho změny je jedny z hlavních faktorů ovlivňujících migraci obyvatel. Připojujeme do COST akce CA19109 – European network for Mediterranean cyclones in weather and climate
Cyclones are the main weather modulators in the Mediterranean region and constitute a major environmental risk, often producing windstorms and heavy rainfall. Moreover, cyclones play a key role in the regional climate variability by controlling the oceanic circulation and regional water cycle, and by mobilizing and transporting large amounts of dust from North Africa.
BUREŠ, O.; STOJANOV, R. (2019): Kanadský systém Express Entry. Policy Paper, Issue 2019/01. Migration and Diversity Research Centre, Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno. Dostupné z: https://smartmigration.cz. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14370.17607
KELMAN, I.; ORLOWSKA, J.; UPADHYAY, U.; STOJANOV, R.; WEBERSIK, C.; SIMONELLI, A. C.; PROCHÁZKA, D.; NĚMEC, D.: (2019): Does Climate Change Influence People’s Migration Decisions in Maldives? Climatic Change. 153(1–2): 285–299.
STOJANOV, R.; NĚMEC, D.; ŽÍDEK, L. (2019): Evaluation of the Long-Term Stability and Impact of Remittances and Development Aid on Sustainable Economic Growth in Developing CountriesSustainability, 11(6), 1538.
STANCIOFF, C. E.; STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; NEMEC, D.; LANDA, J.; TICHY, R.; PROCHAZKA, D.; BROWN, G.; HOFMAN, C. (2018): Climate change impacts on local populations in the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean: A synthesis of perceptions of St. Kitts and Malé Atmosphere, 9(12): 459.
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B.; KELMAN, I.; NĚMEC, D.; PROCHÁZKA, D.: Local perceptions of climate change impacts and migration patterns in Malé, Maldives. The Geographical Journal, 183(4): 370–385.
STOJANOV, R.; BOAS, I.; KELMAN, I.; DUŽÍ, B.: Local expert experiences and perceptions of environmentally induced migration from Bangladesh to India. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 58(3): 347-361.
STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; NĚMEC, D.; PROCHÁZKA, D.; DUŽÍ, B. (2017): Climate Change and Migration in Maldives. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (requested paper)
STOJANOV, R.; BUREŠ, O.; DUŽÍ, B. (2017): Migration and Development Policies: The State of Affairs before the 2015 European Migration Crises in the Czech Republic and Its Current Implications. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 50(3): 169-181.
STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; ULLAH, AKM A.; DUŽÍ, B.; PROCHÁZKA, D.; KAVANOVÁ BLAHŮTOVÁ, K. (2016): Local Expert Perceptions of Migration as Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh. Sustainability, 8 (12): 1223; doi: 10.3390/su8121223
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B.; BUREŠ, O. (2016): Koherence české migrační a rozvojové politiky na začátku ekonomické recese (2008–2010). Geografie, 121(3): 419–436
(translation: Coherence of Czech migration and development policy at the beginning of a recession (2008-2010))
STOJANOV, R.; .; DUŽÍ, B.; KELMAN, I.; NĚMEC, D.; PROCHÁZKA, D. (2016): Household Adaptation Strategies to Climate Extremes Impacts and Population Dynamics: Case Study from the Czech Republic. In book: Migration, Risk Management and Climate Change: Evidence and Policy Responses. Springer.
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B.; DANĚK, T.; NĚMEC, D.; PROCHÁZKA, D. (2015): Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Extremes in Central Europe: A Case Study in a Rural Area in the Czech Republic. Sustainability, 7(9): 12758-12786.